Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas with the Family

We all had the wonderful oppurtunity to spend Christmas with my family in Oregon. They had a wild snow storm and it was the most snow that I have seen in all my 21 years of living in Oregon. Temprance loved it. She also loved all the attention that the eight family members that we stayed with gave her. It was so nice having everyone there. They were so excited to spend time with Temprance, playing with her, feeding her and even changing her diaper. Wayne and I almost forgot we had a daughter because we barely ever saw here. She had so much fun getting to know everyone. Christmas morning was especially fun because we were all there together for the first time in three years.

1 comment:

  1. You're online! I'm getting better at mine these days. I really like your background! Hope you guys are doing great! We miss you!
