Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 14- Sunday, April 17
Read- 2 Nephi 10-13
Mark- 2 Nephi 12:2-3
Quote- I can visualize an army of righteous youth prepares and worthy to attend the temple. I can see families sealed together for eternity. I can see youth who understand what it means to be 'saviours...on mount Zion.' I can see youth whose hearts are turned to their father. I can envision youth growing up in such a way that they will come forth from the temples filled with the strength to resist worldly pressures. I can see a generation of youth who will ' holy places, and be not moved." ~ Sister Elaine S. Dalton
Question- Why do you think Isaiah compares the temple to a mountain?

That quote really paints a wonderful picture of what the future will look like and what we as parents or as youth ourselves can use as a guideline for what we must as Latter-day Saints achieve so that we can do the Lord's work. Can you imagine all the miracles we would experience and all the amazing things that we would not only see but feel, all the revelation that would be given us and the angles that would minister unto us. It would be so incredible. I hope that we can all have a love and passion for the temple as the youth in this quote do. I challenge all of us to go to the temple at least once a month because going to the temple is what can ignite that fire within us!

1 comment:

  1. Yes I can testify fo the power of the Temple. So many experiences I have had that have strengthened my testimony have happened within a temple. I think it must be because the veil is so thin there. If we can spend our time in the temple pondering, as Valena has said how important that time is, then those kindred dead can whisper to us what they already know because they are on the other side where the world can't affect them.
    Yes going often does change our hearts - it also keeps us worthy. I have noticed since Steve is working at the Temple now weekly that his heart has softened and he is a different person - the blessings from weekly temple attendance are so abundant that I can't count them. The windows are pouring!! Undescribable Joy!!!
