Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 58- Tuesday, May 31
Read- Alma 42-43
Mark- Alma 42:14-15
Quote- "How great the wisdom and the love that filled the courts on high and sent the Savior from above to suffer, bleed and die!" ~Hymn 195
Question- How does understanding the Fall help you more fully love Jesus and appreciate what He did for us?

Day 59- Wednesday, June 1
Read- Alma 44-46
Mark- Alma 46:12
Quote- "The value of a country rests upon the values of the people. For the people of God, for the people who want peace, for their women and their children, there is only one way, one church and one Lord." ~Elder Charles Didier
Question- Why do the wicked go to war? How are their motives different from the reasons why the righteous go to war?

Day 60- Thursday, June 2 
Read- Alma 47-49
Mark-Alma 48:11-13, 17
Quote- "Be true to your own conviction. You know what is right, and you know what is wrong. You know when you are doing the proper thing...We need not fear as long as we have in our lives the power that comes from righteously living by the truth." ~President Gordon B. Hinckley
Question- The Lamanites did not want to go to battle against the Nephites, but they also did bot want to displease the king (Alma 47:2). Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to do the right thing, but were afraid you would displease someone? Why is it always better to do the right thing than to worry about what others might think of you?

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