The Valentine's Dance went really well and I learned a lot about myself and about service as I participated in the planning of the dance. I am so glad that all my hard work paid off and that every one had a good time. I hope that the dance inspired the couples to be more romantic and to keep the spark alive in their marriage. All the planning and preparation that Wayne and I did brought us closer together. Wayne was really helpful, staying up late with me every night to make cut, glue and curl ribbon. There was a lot of other things that he could have been doing but he knew that helping me would make me happy and that was the most important thing to him. I am so lucky to have such a caring husband.
Now that Christy and John are here and Wayne and I have a reliable babysitter and we go on a date every Thursday. It has been so nice to have that time to not worry about anything but how much I love being with Wayne. It is amazing how just a couple uninterrupted hours can make the difference between a good week and a bad week. We highly recommend dating to every one.
We have also been spending a lot of time with Christy and John and it has been really fun to have them around. Temprance gets excited every time that they come over. Wayne and John love talking about their missions and playing video games together. Christy and I talk for hours and love doing all the girl things that you can't get your husband to do. Christy and I have also started working out together. It is so much more motivating when you have someone to run next to. It has made working out more fun. we take our I-pods and we talk and the time just flies by. I have also downloaded books on cd to my I-pod so that I can listen to them as I run. Then I feel like I am being more productive. Every day that I workout I feel so much better.
Temprance and I went to the library this week and it was a wonderful. Temprance loved to be around all the other little kids and she loved reading books. We are excited to have library cards again and we are going to go every week so that we can learn and grow as much as we can. We love reading.
Wayne and I have recommitted ourselves to being the best that we can be. We have been diligently reading and praying, both together and apart. We are praying with Temprance and we are having Family Home Evening every Monday with Christy and John. We are both so much happier and we have a stronger desire every day to be better and to love each other more completely. I have been reading the conference issue of the Ensign and it has really helped strengthen my testimony and helped me to realize what I need to work on. The March Ensign's First Presidency Message by Monson was wonderfully inspiring. I read it along with Elder Bednar's Conference Talk, Pray Always and it really helped me to have more meaningful prayers with my Father in Heaven. I am grateful for the Ensign and how it helps me to relate the scriptures to my life.
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