Thursday, March 12, 2009

The month of March has been full of blessings. We were able to get food stamps and now it seems as if all of our money problems have disapeared. We don't have to cut coupons and we can buy fruit and vegetables again! It has been a huge help. Are fridge and pantry are always full thanks to all of your wonderful tax dollars so we thank you for all your help in keeping our tummy's full. With all this money we have been prodening our pallets and we've been trying a lot of Thai food and Middle Eastern food and we are loving it! Even Temprance likes curry! We have also heeded the First Presidency's counsel and we are building up our food storage. We also recieved electric assistance so we get help from the government to pay our electric bill.
It has been so wondereful having Christy and John here we hang out with them every other day and we have had a lot of fun. Temprance really loves them and she asks me if we can play with them every day. The other night we played Jenga and we taught Christy how to play poker. They are still looking for jobs so money has been really tight. It has been really great that Wayne and I have been able to help them out by having them over for dinner.

Rachel and her husband are moving home to Oregon this weekend. Wayne and I went over to help them pack their stuff into a trailer. They decided to leave only a couple days ago so they gave us all their food and we gave it to John and Christy.
Now they have plenty to eat!

Temprance is growing up so quickly. She loves to play with the other children but she comes on to strong and she frightens them. She is learning to run and she will count to three and say "Go, go, go!" and run across the living room. She loves air planes. We live near a small airport and when the planes fly we can hear them. Every time she hears a noise she will call out "Airplane!" It is finally warming up a bit and we have been watching out the windows for planes, and watching the squirrels that live in the house behind our apartment. Temprance loves animals and we are anxious to go to the park again to feed the ducks. Coloring is one of Temprance's favorite things to do, especially if she gets stickers!The other day she finger painted with pudding. It was a fun, messy, and colorful adventure! Once they figured out that they could eat the paint they didn't want to color any more. As she gets older there is so much more that we can do together and it has been a wonderful blessing to watch her enjoy and experiance the world around her. This summer we are going to have lots of fun exploring the world and making even bigger messes!


  1. What a great idea to paint with pudding! She is beautiful and I am glad all is going well with your little family!

  2. Hey! Jon found your blog somehow and showed me!! It's good to read about you guys! Temprance is growing up so fast! What a fun idea, finger painting with pudding, I'm going to have to try that one out!
