Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 28-Sunday, May 1
Read- Mosiah 5-8
Mark-Mosiah 5:2,7
Quote-"No one can be borne again without baptism, but the immersion of water and the laying on of hands to confer the Holy Ghost do not of themselves guarantee that a person has or will be born again. The new birth takes place only for those who actually enjoy the Gift or companionship of the Holy Ghost, only for those who are fully converted, who have given themselves without restraint to the Lord." ~Elder Bruce R. McConkie
Question- How can you more fully give yourself to the Lord to experience the mighty change of heart?

Day 29-Monday, May 2
Today is a catch up day! if you are all caught up then you can study Mosiah 3-4 and ask yourself this question: Once we've felt the Lord's forgiveness, how do we retain the remission of our sins?

1 comment:

  1. How can you more fully give yourself to the Lord to experience the mighty change of heart?

    I think it helps to understand more fully the atonement and what a contrite heart means -- the prophets have told us to expect miracles - so ask for one and expect it having confidence in Christ.

    I think we can retain the remission of our sins by continually being in a repentive humble state, always seeking for improvement in ourselves -- don't settle for the unpolished rock - seek for the refiners fire to become more like the Savior.
