Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 30- Tuesday, May 3
Read- Mosiah 9-11
Mark- Mosiah 9:17, 10:10-11
Quote- "The enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity. I testify and witness that the enabling power of the Savior's Atonement is real." ~Elder David A. Bednar
Question- In what ways do we depend on our own strength? How can we more fully receive the strength of the Lord?

These last couple of chapters is really where the Book of Mormon starts to pull me in and I get really invested in the people that I am reading about. We really start to see how the pride cycle works and that when the people do follow the commandments that the Lord would keep His promise to bless the people and make them prosperous. Life wasn't always easy but when they had faith which lead them to righteous action they were always blessed. It is a true testament to me that if I keep the commandments that I will be blessed because the Lord always keeps his promises. That is what the Book of Mormon teaches us that if we trust in the Lord we will be blessed even when we have challenges in our lives.

I read a really great talk from last months Ensign and it taught me a lot about the Plan of Salvation and it opened my eyes to how little we know and understand the Atonement. It was a wonderful talk and I encourage you to read it and share it with your family. Link to talk


  1. Thanks for doing this Valena! I'm a little behind but I think I'll be able to catch up tomorrow! You're awesome.

  2. To receive the strength of the Lord can be really simple if we let it... I know I can go thru a day trying to do it all by myself until the H.G. reminds me that I can trust in the Savior and turn it over to him to accomplish what is needful and then the miracle happens and the day is so smooth and I feel his hand in my life -- Like the footprints in the sand -- It's real if you let him in!!
