One really important way that we can "hold fast" to the iron rod, which we read in these chapters, is that we should murmur and complain about our trial but instead realize how much the Lord has blessed us and pray and have faith that He can help you to overcome your trial. By complaining we lose the only thing that can guide us through our trials safely, the Holy Ghost. Nephi went to work and prayed to the Lord for guidance instead of being upset and complaining and he was blessed to find food. We will find happiness in our trials if we can appreciate them and the fact that they are refining us into purer people.
Day 8-Monday, April 11
Read- 1 Nephi 17-18
Mark- 1 Nephi 17:45
Quote-"Inspiration comes more as a feeling than as a sound...We do not have the words (even the scriptures do not have the words) which perfectly describe the Spirit. The Scriptures generally use the word 'voice' which does not exactly fit. These delicate, refined spiritual communications are not seen with our eyes, nor heard with our ears. And even though it is described as a voice, it is a voice that one feels, more than one hears." ~President Boyd K. Packer
Question- What things have you felt while reading or praying?
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