Day 34- Saturday, May 7
Read- Mosiah 21-23
Mark: Mosiah 23:21-22
Quote- "Life is full of difficulties, some minor and others of a more serious nature. There seems to be an unending supply of challenges for one and all! Our problem is that we ofter expect instantaneous solutions to such challenges, forgetting that frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required." ~President Thomas S. Monson
Question- When is it most difficult for you to be patient? Why is patience important?
I love this quote because it is so true. Being patient is the hardest virtue for me to master. My kids are great at helping me to learn patience. The trials in my life right now are trying to my patience but I know that if I trust in the Lord he will make everything work out in His own time. I just have to make sure that I am following the commandments and keeping my covenants. If I can be happy through the trials then it isn't really a trial but just another day that I can try to be more like my Heavenly Father.
It's most difficult for me to be patient when I'm running late and when people let me down. But when I exercise faith that it will all work out or it just doesn't matter because I'm always on the Lords Errand then the miracles happen and somehow time stands still or it just isn't as important as I thought and peace is restored. The Lord is always Good!!