Please forgive me for being a day behind. My mind is in so many places right now I somehow skipped a day of my life! Anyway I am going to post for Thursday, Friday and Saturday because I am hosting a big birthday party for Steve Duvall's 50th birthday and I know that I will not have the time to post. Again, I'm sorry and thank you for being patient with me while I deal with being crazy.
Day 39- Thursday, May 12
Read-Alma 2-4
Mark- Alma 2:18, 28
Quote- Safety can't be won by tanks and guns and airplanes and atomic bombs. There is only one place of safety and that is in the realm of the Almighty God that he gives to those who keep his commandments and listen to his voice." ~President Harold B. Lee
Question- Why were the Nephites strengthened by the Lord? How can we receive the Lord's help in the challenges we face?
This quote is so true. When we put our complete trust in the Lord and in His plan for us we have nothing to fear. I love knowing that no matter the trial or the danger that lies ahead my Savior and Redeemer is always there to comfort me, lift me up, forgive me and give me the strength and the power that I need to overcome, no matter the odds! I know that it is that unwavering conviction of trusting in the Lord will be the only thing that we have to hold onto during all the calamity and destruction that lies ahead. The pioneers went through hell to get to heaven and we have to as well. Make sure that your testimony and trust in the Savior is strong enough to get you through because I promise you that it is only going to get worse out there.
Day 40- Friday, May 13
Read- Alma 5-6
Mark- Alma 5:14, 26
Quote- "The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world takes people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ changes human nature." ~President Ezra Taft Benson
Question- What would someone see in your countenance?
This is one of my all time favorite quotes! I love that the Lord's way is perfect. It makes you look inside yourself and decide to change because you love the Lord and his children, and that includes yourself. No matter who you are you have to have that self motivation to be better for you to truly change and that is why the Lord's way is sooo good. Being a true Latter-day Saint means that every day you are becoming more like Christ. You are taking an active role in you salvation! So ask yourselves 'Am you taking an active role in my salvation?'
Day 41-Saturday, May 14
Read- Alma 7-9
Mark- Alma 7:11-12
Quote-"To succor means to 'run to'. I testify that in my fears and in my infirmities the Savior has surely run to me. I will never be able to thank Him enough for such personal kindness and such loving care." ~Elder Jeffery R. Holland
Question-Why is it helpful to remember that the Savior knows what it's like to have your problems? Can you think of a time the Savior ran to you? Am I running to help those around me as I have committed to do in my baptismal covenants?
If we stand strong to what we know is right and do our part in building the kingdom then the Lord will surely carry us just as he did the Nephites in their battles. We may not be asked to fight with guns but we do fight every day against Satan and his invisible army so we must choose to put on his armor and fight by turning off the tv or walking out of a movie theater or changing the subject in conversation that is inappropriate and correcting people when they are surely wrong - prayerfully voting, going out of our way to be kind and making sacrifices for others. We are fighting when we keep our covenants!